Understanding Sthanika Upakrama in Karna Rogas: A Traditional Approach to Ear Disorders

  • Kasturi Aloni Post Graduate Scholar, Department of PG studies in Shalakya Tantra, Sri Kalabyraveshwaraswamy Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research center, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
  • Hamsaveni.V Professor, Department of PG studies in Shalakya Tantra, Sri Kalabyraveshwaraswamy Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research center, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Karnagata Roga, Sthanika Upakrama, Karna Pramarjana, Karna Abhyanaga, Karna Poorana, and Karna Dhoopana.


This article delves into the traditional Ayurvedic approach of Sthanika Upakrama in managing Karnagata Rogas, or ear disorders, through localized treatments aimed at restoring Doshic balance and alleviating related symptoms. The study explores the methodology and results of employing Sthanika Upakrama as a holistic ear health approach, highlighting its potential benefits in modern healthcare practices. Ayurvedic scholars have outlined specialized methods, such as Karna pramarjana, Karna abhyanaga, Karna poorana, and Karna dhoopana etc, which hold promise for addressing auditory impairments. Amidst a substantial burden of auditory impairment in India, these ancient interventions offer potential solutions to contemporary challenges in auditory health. The integrated approach of Sthanika Upakrama presents a comprehensive strategy to prevent and manage ear-related ailments.

How to Cite
Kasturi Aloni, & Hamsaveni.V. (2024). Understanding Sthanika Upakrama in Karna Rogas: A Traditional Approach to Ear Disorders. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 12(4), 100-106. https://doi.org/10.47070/ijapr.v12i4.3197